There are millions of useful, productive, and valuable public servants throughout our country. Military, law enforcement, emergency services, teachers, infrastructure guys--hell, even a few politicians. Then we've got the grub worms.
These scumbags are the people who are going to be the death of this country, I can guaran-damn-tee it.
I'm talking about the people who get jobs with the regulatory agencies like the SEC, IRS, EPA, and more other freakin' alphabet agencies than you can stuff into an ocean full of soup, with a parasitic ulterior motive.
I don't mean the thousands of regulatory workers who actually believe in the work they do, I mean the pissants that get a job with one plan. That plan is to learn on-the-job at taxpayer expense, how to circumvent, twist, tangle, and cheat the regulations, then bail to high paying "consulting" jobs in the industries they're supposed to regulate.
Hey, you say, they're just going after the American Dream, right?
Bull Testicles on a red-hot skewer is what I say. These people make tons of YOUR money teaching the shady characters of industry how to take more of YOUR money by tying up our legal systems funded by YOUR money and stuffing more of YOUR money in the already fat wallets of their scumbag lawyers.